
2p SwedenXreader: Not Human part 7

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“See that fishers shop up there, the one that is practically invisible compared to the other shops around it?” Emil pointed with one arm, and the other held tightly to Loki’s neck for he sat on his back.

“That’s where they are?” Tiitus asked distastefully.

“Sort of, most of the business happens in the basement. They don’t have any guards to eliminate suspicion, but there is always someone in the base. I think a few guys actually live there too.”

“M’kay.” Mark grunted. “Trickster, I think your spotlight is shining again.”

Loki smirked hugely and tossed Emil into Mark’s arms. He took out his small make-up kit and picked out mascara.

“Ooh! What's that do?” Tino asked excitedly.

“You’ll see kid~” Loki grinned. “What does mascara do?”

“Um, makes eyelashes look longer?”

“Makes the illusion that eyelashes are longer, so…” Loki applied one swipe over each eye’s lashes, and became a beautiful girl with his regular coloring. Even though he still wore his mask, its realistic form became more cutesy and girly. Emil and Tino’s mouths dropped as Loki giggled and Tiitus face-palmed. “It’s only an illusion.” Loki promised in a feminine voice.

“So now what?” Emil asked.

“Follow somewhat far behind me, K’? Most people wouldn’t suspect this form to be dangerous.” The illusion cloaked beast winked. The illusion said he wore a miniskirt and a tight shirt that was a bit too short, although everything was still Goth themed.

They all watched him approach the building with a sway of hips and entered carelessly.

“C’mon!” Mark signaled. He grabbed the sleeve of Emil shirt and dragged him into the building across the street their brother following. “Stay in the shadows, act like we’re on the stage of a puppet show, WE CANNOT BE SEEN!” he told his companions forcefully, but quietly.

They traveled far enough from their brother that anyone at Loki’s distance wouldn’t see them.

At last a man with a blond goatee in a nice dress suit walked into view and saw Loki. He squinted at him and approached.

“You Lost miss?” he asked as his eyes washed over the beast.

“I might be, I think this was the place I was told to go. I’m supposed to meet a boss fellow here. I met him at the bar the other day and-”

“Wait a minute…” Loki looked surprised as the man examined him closer.


The man’s eyes widened with realization and grabbed Loki’s throat. “Lukas, you little twerp! You trying to escape again, How did you get out?!” he yelled.

Mark stopped Tiitus from lunging at his brother’s attacker as they waited for Loki’s response.

“I-I beg your pardon sir,” Loki gagged. “But I am not whoever you think! And besides, if I was trying to escape, then why am I walking directly away from the exit?”

The man dropped Loki who fell to the floor coughing. “I-I’m so sorry miss, I-I thought you were this brat we have… uh, let me help you up.” He bent down and gently took Loki’s arms, helping him stand.

“Thank you, sorry for the misunderstanding. Who is the fellow you thought I was?” Loki asked innocently.

“Oh, this kid we have, we’re going to have him perform magic. Like, real magic. You see this scar on my cheek? He spat acid on me.”

“Oh you poor thing, this boy sounds dreadful!”

“You wanna see his show? Hey, speaking of show, what's with the mask sweetheart?”

‘Sweetheart?’ Tiitus thought distastefully.

“Oh, I only show my face to my clients~” Loki winked, making Emil blush from his meaning.

“Really?” the goateed fellow smirked as he pulled Loki’s hips in. One hand reached for the beast’s mask, while the other hand grabbed his rear. To everyone’s great surprise, Loki head butted the fellow so hard that he knocked the guy out.

“Loki!” Mark scolded.

“You know I don’t tolerate people touching me inappropriately, no matter the roll I’m playing!” Loki fumed.

“From the sounds of it, he knows where Lukas is! Now we have to wake him up somehow!” Mark grouched.

Tiitus smirked and cracked his knuckles. “I got this…”

He walked up to the man that was held up by the back of his shirt by Mark, and burped in his face. Needless to say, the man woke up immediately coughing.

Out of curiosity, Tino leaned in to smell and shrugged. “It’s not that bad.”

Tiitus leaned in and smelled his twin’s breath. “We’re about the same. You eat a lot of fermented fish?”

“Ah…” the goateed fellow gagged. “That was vile!”

“Glad you think so, cause that means that you’ll want to prevent it from happening again.” Mark glared. “So tell us where Lukas and Enok are!”

“E-Enok? Who the *BEEP* is that?”

“He looks like this, only with a scar across his face.” Tiitus explained, holding up Emil for the fellow to see. Emil just hung there like a dead cat.

The fellow stared at him for a long time. “We… have a guy who looks like that, but he’s supposed to be the magician’s brother…”

“Yeah, we’ll you took the wrong brother.” Loki spat in his regular voice. The man flinched when seeing Loki, and as a result, Loki wiped away the mascara on his eyes, reveling his true form to the man.

“Tell us where our *BEEP* brother is!” Mark roared at the man. “Unless you want us to add to that scar on your face!”

“F-fine fine! I-I’ll take you there!” the man cowered.

“If you even try to fool us I swear we’ll make you cry like a little girl.” Mark promised. “Just try us bud, we can make an atheist beg for God’s help!”


Beowulf awoke to a nudge in his ribs and once he put on his glasses, he not only found you missing, but he was surrounded by gang members with guns. He glared at them silently and put up his hands slowly.

“Where’s the girl?” one of the men asked.

Beowulf remained silent and just stared at them with a distasteful look. About that moment, you emerged from the bathroom to see the scene.

“B-Beowulf!” you cried out from surprise as a few of the gang pointed their guns at you.

“It will be okay ______, they won’t hurt you, you’ve got the spell.” Beowulf said. All eyes turned to him in surprise, then turned to you. You looked at him in disbelief. How could he have just gone out and tell them like that?

He saw the sadness in your face and smiled reassuringly. You knew you had to trust with this, from that expression, you could tell he knew what he was doing.

“Tell you fellows what, I’ll hand her over if you play a game with me.” Beowulf smiled softly, though his eyes were filled with hate.

The six gang members looked at him strangely. “A game?” one asked.

“Yes, a game. If you win, I will let you take her without a fuss. If I win, well, let’s just say that the consequences will not be pleasant.”

The group gazed at him with curiosity, then a grin formed on a few faces. “All right weirdo, explain the rules.”

“First let’s go outside, I wouldn’t want to ruin my brother’s house.” Beowulf stood up and you rushed into his outstretched arm.

“Why did you tell them?” you asked.

“They were still out to kill you remember? If they didn’t think you to be precious, they probably would have shot you there. Course there is no question of how precious you are to me…”

You smiled and held to him tightly as you all walked outside and the gang surrounded the two of you. Beowulf told you that you wouldn’t be playing, and asked if you would wait on the porch for him.

“I call this game, ‘last man standing’. Everyone against everyone and the goal of the game is to get every other players on the ground. You may use whatever method you’d like to knock us all over, but you have to also keep us there. Once again, you may use whatever method for that as well, whether you want to knock them out, pin them down, or kill them.” Beowulf explained. “You may team up, but there can only be one winner.”

The men looked surprised by this and looked around at each other, some growing smirks while the rest looked uneasy.

“Are we agreed?” Beowulf asked suddenly. The six men looked at him with uneasiness but nodded. “Fine then, ______ will give the signal, and she will not be playing. That being that case, if any of you even remotely try to get near her, my morals will drop drastically.” He told them darkly, making about half of them shutter.

You watched them all brace themselves and pose in fighting positions. Beowulf watched them with disinterest and leaned against his staff. Once everyone looked ready, you called out “GO!”

In a split second, Beowulf’s staff flew across the ground, tripping three men at once. One of the three that remained standing took out a gun, and to your great surprise, shot one of his companions. Your beast busted that fellows face with his staff’s jagged tip, sending him harshly against the ground.

The three that were tripped attempted to stand again, but two were stuck to the ground when one of their companions knocked one out and pinned the other to the ground with a knife in the ground. The one that was able to stand rushed at Beowulf and thrust the knife in hand at his legs, but was blocked by the staff that snatched the knife from his hand. During this event, the fellow who knocked his buddy out jumped on Beowulf shoulders.

Four were down, but the one with a gun stood quickly and shot Beowulf who spun and allowed the man on his back to be his shield. The armed fellow shot again, nicking the beasts arm.

Beowulf groaned and flinched, but stood his ground. The man who previously had a knife punched the cripple in the gut, but received and harsh head-butt when Beowulf doubled over in pain.

The last opponent standing kicked the pained beast’s staff from his hands and was about to shoot his thigh when he suddenly was held in the air upside down. You soon realized that Beowulf’s tail was holding him up.

He was thrust to the ground and Beowulf retrieved his staff with angry burning eyes. Spinning his wood weapon in the air, he swatted away the fellow’s gun and stabbed the end of his staff into the ground and the man’s shirt.

All movement stopped and Beowulf glared furiously in this blackette’s brown fear-filled eyes. “I WIN.” He growled. “And I am sick of people trying to hurt my _______. Take me to your boss, I believe vengeance is in order.”

You sat far enough that you could hear the part after ‘I win’. Even if you could, you were so stunned at how fast the game was and how ruthless the males were. You quick ran over to Beowulf and looked at his bullet wound.

“Are you okay Wulf?” you asked worriedly.

“I’ll be fine in a minute. _________, prepare yourself, we’re going on a trip.”


Mark carried the goateed man by his suit shirt and so his shoes hovered above the ground, only allowing him to point out where to go. There was a few run-ins with other gang members, but Tiitus and Loki made quick work of them. Tino and Emil followed close by, Emil feeling anxious about finding his brother and Tino practically skipping down the hall carelessly.

They approached the door that was said to have Enok on the other side, and they believed it when hearing the giggling behind it.

“Unlock it.” Mark commanded the man in hand.

“Only the boss has the key, we have to borrow then return quickly, so-”

“Tiitus, if you please.” Mark interrupted carelessly. Tiitus smirked and stuck the tip of his tail in the lock, activating the tumblers.

Loki swung open the door quickly to see the youngest brother on the floor, giggling hysterically and his arm gushing blood.

His brother’s swore and ran to his aid. Loki took out his lip-gloss quickly and kissed his brother’s wound, making the beast laugh harder to the point of tears.

“I-I slipped! Ha ha! I’m heh, s-sorry guys!!” Enok laughed as his arm began to heal.

“You slipped?!” Tiitus asked in horror. “What did you say?”

Enok paused his laughter and coughed as his wound shrunk to a scar. “T-the spell, I accidently mentioned knowing the location. I only realized what I said after it left my mouth. They slit me, I’m so sorry!”

“You told them of _______ and Tino?!” Loki asked urgently.

“O-Only Tino…” Enok sat up and saw said blond. “You guys brought him?! That’s why I mentioned him, cause I thought for sure he would be far from harm in Tiitus’s arms!”

“He is, w-we just needed an extra player and Tiitus didn’t want to be left babysitting.” Mark explained. “We didn’t think they’d know!”

“We really need to get Lukas and get out of here, Enok, have you seen him?” Loki asked as he helped his brother stand. He handed Enok the mask from his hip, and his brother put it on.

“Only once, I-I think he could see my form, judging by the way he looked at me. I acted as Emil the best I could and he played along. I was hoping that it would only be reviled at the of it all who I really was for Emil’s sake, cause even if they did get the spell, they would have lost the leverage and not have enough time to get the real one before you guys came.”

Mark turned to the goateed man in his hand. “Where’s Lukas?”

“*BEEP* off.” The man spat.

To everyone’s great surprise, cute little innocent Tino grabbed the man by his collar and slammed him against the wall. “Where’s my *BEEP* brother?!” he screamed.

“He just earned some major points in my book.” Tiitus grinned.

“Me too.” Loki smirked.

“The show will begin in 10 minutes, I had hoped to be there to watch the little brat be humble to the boss, but sacrifices must be made.” The human victim told them.

Soft giggling drifted around the room and all eyes set on Enok. He cracked his knuckles and slowly walked toward the blond. “My I, May I PLEASE?” he grinned at Mark who smirked.

“Take your time Heiina.” His brother grinned.

Enok walked to the man with his hands up, as if ready to catch a baseball. His sleeves were rolled up so his flexing needles were visible. “Hold him still Tino.” He grinned sadistically.

He reached to the man’s face and rested his hand on the scarred cheek, his arm needles flexing outward, catching his nice suit. “Where…” His arm thrust down, tearing open the man’s top, revealing his chest. “…is…” Enok’s claws jabbed into the man’s chest slight, right over his heart. “…Lukas?” he asked calmly. Tino had backed away and joined his brother at the doorway.

“I’m not scared of you…” the man snarled.

“Why not?” Enok whispered, his claws gain pressure, making the man groan. “You couldn’t possibly imagine the bloody scenes I have seen in my life, care for a glance?”

His claws clenched the man’s flesh, making the victim cry out. “Spill it~” Enok grinned softly.

“No! You’ll have to kill me!!” the man screamed.

Enok shrugged. “Alright then.” Seeing the hopelessness of his situation, the man shook his head in protest.

“N-no wait! I’ll tell! I’ll Tell!!” he cried out just as Enok raked both hands of his claws down the man’s chest, laughing manically to the man’s screams.

Tino and Emil looked away and covered their ears to the portrayed cruelty. Loki came over to them and held them in a gentle hug.

“H…he’s in the main room in the center of the base, go straight down that hall, it’s the place with the red doors.” The man panted.

“Is that all?” Enok cooed as he leaned into the man’s bleeding chest, licking his wound gently. The man cringed in pain and nodded. “No warning of guards, traps…?” he choked a sob and shook his head again. “Alrightly~”

The man was dropped and Mark told everyone to get a move on, someone was bound to hear the fellow’s cries.
cross-dressings hilarious! by the way, I mean no offense on the part of the atheists, I was just have Mark prove his point.

so we finally get to see a game Beowulf plays. Not the innocent fluffy kitten you thought he was, huh?

You also get to see tino be strong, and Enok be creepy as *BEEP* (well okay, that's not too new, but you know)

the next part is going to be so epic!!



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