
2p SwedenXreader: Not Human

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SourTomato's avatar

Literature Text

You woke up wrapped in a warm blanket on the bed of a well lit room. You looked around curiously and found yourself wearing cloths much too large for you. Next to the desk of your bed was a glass of water and a damp rag.

You sat up slowly and looked out the window near the head of your bed. You scooted closer to it and saw a magnificent ocean view. White V’s of seagulls soared across the flat blue landscape, and if you looked straight down, you could see the waters crash upon the rocks below. That’s about when you realized that where ever you were, you were suspended in to air above the violent sea below.

Moving the sheets to the side, you let your feet touch the smooth wooden floors as you stood up cautiously. Considering how blank you had felt for the past few minutes of consciousness, you did not expect the fear that filled you from the thought of falling through the floor and to the unmerciful waves.

Your quivering legs collapsed from underneath you, but you took hold of the desk nearby to support yourself. When taking a moment to calm yourself, you could hear someone whistling a strange old tune. You found a walking cane near the bed and used it to help your fear chilled legs along.

You came into a room with a couch and a small TV. This room was much darker than the one you woke up in. In the room next to it however, the lights shinned brightly and cheerfully. The whistling came from this room, so you held your breath and walked cautiously to the doorway space, peeking in.

A large man with white blond hair had his back to you. His clothing was cloak-like and draped largely from his shoulders, with a shorter cape hanging to his waist, and the rest under his arm. You waited patiently for the mysterious man to turn around, but you were so anxious that you loosened your grip on the walking cane and it clattered loudly on the stone tile, making the man jump and you fall to the floor.

“My goodness, don’t scare me like that sweetheart.” The man sighed with a smile.

You stared at him in confusion. He was no one that you recognized. His short white hair hung loosely by his face next to spectacles covering ruby eyes. In one hand was a walking cane which he used to limp toward you. That was when you realized the man to be deformed, although his face was still handsome.

“W…I-I…” you started to say, but the man suddenly gathered you in his arms and limped slowly back to the room you emerged from.

You were set on the comfy bed and met the eyes of the large fellow. You looked down to his feet to see the left one significantly bigger and flatter looking than the other. His right hand also looked somewhat stretched out, only his fingers were tightly bound by skin, so it was as if he didn’t have any fingers at all, like he was wearing a mitten. His other hand was a little similar in the fact that the skin connected all from the middle knuckle down.

“How are you feeling?” the man asked in a hushed voice and strange accent.

“Um, I’m not sure.” You admitted. “I-if you don’t m-mind me asking, who are you?”

“Oh forgive me, my name is Beowulf. Might I know your name?” he asked politely.

“_______.” You smiled back.

“I made you some soup if you want, but be careful when you move, your pretty scrapped up.”

He helped you stand, which seemed weird to you considering he had trouble walking himself.  About that moment is when you looked at yourself to find many scrapes and bruises all over your body, but funny enough, you couldn’t remember how they got there.

Your head pulsed and you grabbed it with a groan.

“You alright ________?” Beowulf asked. “Do you want some painkillers?”

“I…don’t know…” you admitted. A bump was formed on your head, which was probably the cause of your pain, and it already had a band-aid on it. The band-aid probably curtsey of your limping friend.

You were lead into the kitchen where you two met, and Beowulf set you at a small square table. You watched him make his way to the stove and serve up some warm soup to you. You wanted very desperately to ask him what had happened to him that made him disabled, but you also didn’t want to offend him.

The lights suddenly began to flicker and Beowulf sighed. “I’m sorry, they do this somewhat often.” He explained. “I really need to get someone to come down here and fix them.”

“W-where’s ‘down here’?” you asked nervously. “I saw the ocean out the window…”

“Oh, did you like the ocean view? I wasn’t sure if you were afraid of heights or not, are you?”

“Um…I-I don’t know…”

“Oh uh, okay. So _____, tell me a little about yourself. How did you get caught in those waves?” Beowulf sat next to you and gave you his full attention.

You stared at him a long time. “Get caught in what waves?” you asked.

He returned the curious look. “The ones I had to save you from. Which by the way, your cloths were soaking wet so I hope you don’t mind that I changed them for you.”

“But... that was the first time I have even seen the ocean. Where am I? Do I live here? Should I already know you?” you asked in desperate confusion.

“You…don’t remember anything…?” Beowulf asked blankly. “Do you know who your parents are?”

“Mom and Dad?”

“No I mean their names.”

“Yeah, Mom and Dad.” You responded with a smile.

Beowulf scooted his chair closer to you and looked at the bump on your head closer. “Do you have any siblings?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, male or female?” you asked back. Your ruby-eyed host sighed and covered his face. “Is something wrong?” you asked innocently.

“Tell me then, do you know what amnesia is?”

“Why? What are you saying?”

“______, most people can remember their own parents real name. Even I can, and I am very much older than you, and my parents have been dead for many years.” Beowulf smiled companionably.

“So…you think I have amnesia?” you asked as you shrunk back a bit.

“I’m not positive, there are several other things you could have, but let’s assume that for right now. I’ll call a friend of mine to come look at you tomorrow, okay? But for now, you should eat your soup before it gets cold.”

You smiled and began to eat as he said. “So, have we ever met before this?” you asked.

“Well no, like I said, I found you trying to drown in the waves down there so I brought you up. You had hit your head on the rocks which knocked you out. Luckily I was able to get you out before you inhaled too much water.”

“I do remember something about stranger danger though, so should I fear you or try to escape or something?”

“Well I did save your life and haven’t given you any reason to fear me, so I would say no.”

“Okay. Hey, considering I can’t remember anything to tell you about myself, how about I hear about you. How long have you lived here?”

“Too long.” Beowulf smiled. “Just kidding, I’ve been here almost since I got deformed.”

You paused from eating and looked at him quietly, waited patiently for an explanation on that, but the white-haired man stared at you with the same expression. You gazed into his lonely red eyes for a minute and could see a mixture of many pains.

Beowulf blinked a minute and stood from the table, taking his tall walking stick in hand and limped to the living room. “Be right back.” He called to you. As he entered the darkness of the room, something about him changed. You couldn’t entirely tell what because it was dark of course, but not wanting to be rude, you just sat quietly and drank the broth of your soup.

Your host came back in and before he reached the light of the kitchen, you could see a bright blue fire behind his irises. He noticed your agape mouth and sighed.

“Yeah…we’re not the same species.” He told you with a bit of blush on his face. He stood just out of the light enough that you could see all of his strange features and sky-blue skin.

He had few inch long ears that looked shredded at the ends, and they drooped down, making you think of a rabbit (which of all things for you to remember, this surprised you.) He opened his mouth to show you his sharp teeth, much like a sharks (once again, of all things to remember…) he lifted his arms, and showed you long needles stretching out and on the right arm, they connected with his back in almost a wing-like manor.

“I’d show you my tail, but my clothing forbids.” He shrugged. “I have webbing that connects my tail to my legs, so I can’t really were pants. Please don’t mock me for wearing what I do, I know they resemble dresses, but…”

“No, I’m not making fun of you. I think it’s really cool. It actually looks more robe-like than dress.” You smiled at him. “Should I know what you are? Do you guys live among us?”

“Well, we do live among you people, but the others are more camouflage than I am. As for knowing what I am, you might have met other one of us during your life, but I highly doubt they…” Beowulf stopped a moment and just said “Never mind. Lots of people know of our existence, but not everyone, so it’s appreciated if you don’t tell.” He finished with a smile.

“Oh, so it’s like a secret club or something?” you asked with a smile back.

“Sure, cause your special. Are you finished with that?”

You looked down to your empty soup bowl and nodded. Beowulf attempted to take it from you, but you picked it up and took it to the sink yourself. “You already have a hard enough time moving.” You told him.

“Well alright. I will call my friend, so you may explore the house if you want, but I warn about the back porch, I’ve have been meaning to replace it.”

You watched him hobble into the other room with a phone in hand. While he was gone, you decided to check yourself over and see how beat up you were. You wandered a bit and found the bathroom where you saw an assortment of mean-looking bruises and rough scrapings all over your skin.

“How could I possibly forget getting any of that?” you asked yourself in disbelief.

“Sweetheart?” a knock came to the door.

“Is that a normal thing to call a stranger?” you called back.

“Uh, well…I- I was just wondering if you wanted to see a better view of the ocean.”

You peeked out the door to see the humble bright blue flames of Beowulf’s eyes towering over you. “A better view?” you asked curiously.

He held out his webbed hand to you and you took it without hesitation. To your great surprise, he pulled you onto his back and limped rather quickly to the door on the other side of the kitchen. When opened, the doorway led straight to a small wooden platform outside, and just over that was a perfect plummet to the rocks waiting below.

You clung to Beowulf's neck tightly, but that did not stop him from diving off the edge and into the salty air. You were so stunned that you didn’t know whether to scream or not. The fall actually seemed quite relaxing, when suddenly Beowulf spared his arms out and began to glide across the wind like a flying squirrel.

You looked to his arms to see the spikes that stretched down like wings to his legs and tail, and was filled with the sea air. You blinked multiple times to keep your eyes from drying out, but at the same time, the amazing view left you without breath.

“Inhale!” Beowulf called over the wind. You gasped with the realization that oxygen had left you. You could feel the blue-skinned beast chuckle from underneath you, which made you laugh as well.

“How are you doing that?” you called back in amazement.

“My kind is built to survive most anything, so if our bodies recognize that we’ve fallen for a certain amount of time, they’ll adapt to make it so we won’t die when we land!”

“Can I do that?”

“Um, no. Generally when humans fall, they hit the ground like an egg. Look behind you, you can see my house!”

You turned your head to see tall cliff sides with Beowulf’s small house wedged in a corner. The house looked worn and old, but you remembered the inside and how friendly and cozy it was.

Beowulf suddenly made a U-turn and began his way back to the house, but you noticed that the two of you continued to descend.

“Are you going to fly higher?” you asked him.

“Unfortunately we are gliding; not flying, so I either have to catch an upwind or I just go into the water and find a cave I set up a while ago. Judging by our descent, I fear it’s the latter.”

The beast suddenly turned to you so he was falling with his back to the water surface. He held to you tightly and commanded you to hold your breath. The second you filled your lungs with air, you felt colt water wrap around you. At first you were curious as to why the landing didn’t hurt, but you soon realized that Beowulf had taken the hit for you.

You let Beowulf pull you through the waters pressure and into the darker regions of rough rock. You held your breath for as long as you could, but your lungs soon began to cry out for relief.

You began to struggle against Beowulf grasp with the want for air, but the beast pulled you along and held you close. You struggled some more and accidentally released your air to let it fly to the surface.

Beowulf noticed and quickly pulled you into his chest and graced his lips with yours, refilling your lungs with the precious oxygen. Your eyes shot open from surprise and you found yourself gazing into his bright blue flames.

Once your lungs were full, he let your lips go and he began to pull you along the shaded waters, and then you were brought up to a bright surface.

You gasped in the fresh air and looked around curiously to see yourself in a well lit cavern. Beowulf pulled himself from the water and you could see fish-like fins and his hands both evenly webbed, along with his feet.

The slowly returned to the old uneven way as he got to his feet in a wobbly manor, then he helped you up.

“I hope I didn’t scare you too much.” He blushed.

“No, that was fun.” You smiled and coughed. “I didn’t know the adapt thing worked for water too.”

“Yep. It doesn’t work for fire sadly enough. Anyways, right over here is an elevator that leads up to my front door. Come on, let go dry you off and get you warm.”


True to his word, you were now sitting in front of a wood stove wearing the cloths you were found in (now dry of course), and hot tea in your hand.

Beowulf soon joined you and wrapped a warm fur blanket around your shoulders.

“How are you feeling?” he asked companionably.

“Fine. Not really much in the department of memories, but other than that, fine.” You smiled happily.

“Okay, my friend Oliver will be over tomorrow to take a look at you. I must warn you though, he can be a little… well, inconsiderate sometimes, but don’t worry about anything. I will not let him harm you.”

“Is he a creature thing too?”

“Yes. He is not deformed like me, so you will be able to see and imagine what I used to look like. You know, it really makes me happy that you don’t seem to care how I became like this. They are old hurtful memories that I don’t like to dig up so I thank you for being so considerate.” He smiled and took you into a hug.

“Of course, I owe you, so I don’t think I even have the right to ask.” You smiled. “Are you always alone here?”

“Well, not all the time. I have Hanna to take care of, but she generally does as she pleases.”

“Who’s Hanna?”

“She’s an eagle. With my house at this altitude I get a lot of winged visitors…H-hey ______?”

“Yeah?” you looked up from your mug.

“W-will you…stay with me tonight?”

“Well I obviously don’t remember where I live, so of course.” You smiled clulessly.

“N-no, I mean… will you stay in my arms while I sleep?”

You blinked at him in confusion. His face heated up and turned a deep purple due to his blue skin.

You scooted closer to him and held his cold webbed hand in yours. “Sure I will.” You smiled and leaned against him. Strange noises of screeching, flapping and clicking erupted outside, spooking you to cling closer to Beowulf. “What's that?” you asked.

“It’s alright, it’s just the bats leaving their cave. Come.” Beowulf smiled and the two of you stood, walking to a window. Black fluttering objects came screeching out of a nearby cave. They looked like black sparkles dancing around the sunset.

You looked at you feet upon feeling something wrap around your ankle, and saw Beowulf’s thin tail there. It was a little strange, but you didn’t complain. You instead stood closer to him and held his arm.

For a minute, you didn’t want to retrieve your memories. You like the ones you were making right now, but the question still remained on how you wound up in those waves. There was no sign of shipwreck, or even a beach nearby.

“Ready for bed?” Beowulf asked.

“Yeah.” You sighed leaning against him. “Beowulf, thank you for everything.”

“My pleasure.” The tall male grinned. The two of you walked back into the bedroom and he lied down first, putting his arm flatly on the bed. You came over and lay on his arm, his other wrapping snugly around you. “Sleep tight sweetheart.” He whispered in your ear, making you giggle.

“Goodnight my hero.” You whispered back.
Personally, this didn't really satisfy anything other than my idea of a deformed creature. I promise the next chapter will be better!

:iconyay2penglandplz: :iconsaysplz: "Of course it will love, everything is better with me in it! why do you think you keep adding me into every story?
:iconbiosyblingingfreaks: :iconsaysplz: "............."
:icon2pamericaplz: :iconsaysplz: "Is that why I get thrown in there so often too?"
:iconbiosyblingingfreaks: :iconsaysplz: "I don't know, maybe your just loved."
:icon2promanoplz: :iconsaysplz: ":iconneedslovetooplz:"
:iconbiosyblingingfreaks: :iconsaysplz: "Oh hush Flavio, you get more screen time than most."

Okay, before people start, allow me. Yes I am well aware that the original Sweden is gay, but allow me to not care. Here is why, because I can not tell you how sick I am of Yaoi fan girls taking EVERY *BEEP*-ING MALE CHARACTER OUT THERE AND MAKING HIM GAY FOR SOME OTHER RANDOM MALE CHARACTER. Therefore, I think since you all seem to have the right to make every male character in the story gay sex addicts, I have a right to revert the ones that are actually gay.

I have been meaning to introduce this part of the species long ago, but I guess I couldn't find a good point.

this is probably going to be the most un-violent one of the series, and probably not much blood either. I could be wrong though, the wheels in my head are still turning.

Pic of Beowulf: biosyblingingfreaks.deviantart…

by the way, I am well aware that the name Beowulf came from an Anglo-Saxon poem and is not exactly Scandinavian, but it was the only thing that sounded good for the character.

Hope no one was too confused in the beginning. in my defense, I think it just puts you in the actual situation your in with the creature in a way, so I was quite pleased with it. I was also trying to give you an innocent and carefree personality because of the fact you can't remember at least half your life.


Okay, I'm done.
© 2013 - 2024 SourTomato
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LightElf2001's avatar
2pSweden is adorable. His adaptation is really cool too!